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Nvwoti Waya Aisv (Medicine Wolf Walker).  A Cherokee translation of a name that my "adopted dad or brother" Shawn Joiner gave me (I don't know if it would annoy him for me to refer to him that way or not, but that's how I feel).  Actually, he's Creek but I can't find a good enough Muskogeean translation for it yet.  My mom actually said that she has accepted him as her oldest brother which would kinda make him my uncle.  In Cherokee tradition, it is the it is the oldest brother of the mother that is the most important male figure in the boy's life and the uncle raises him.  So, in other words, my mom gave him permition to raise and teach me and order me around and stuff.

Another name I have taken on is Yonega Waya Geluhvsga (White Wolf Howls).  I decided on this after a few nights of meditating on it and asking about it to my spirit animal ( a white wolf wouldn't you know).  I think it basically means 'restlest peacemaker' but I'll explain it more fully.  To the Cherokee, white is the color representing peace and also the direction south.  This combined with the wolf refers to the wolf's tendancy to avoid a fight until absolutely necesary.  This is true of me because I don't want to be trouble for anyone and would rather walk away regardless of what one says about me.  However, everyone has their limits and in the right circumstances, if you did something really bad (or just something that invokes a quick, unthinking reaction from me in which you would end up with a bruise or being bitten) you're in trouble; fighting (fair) is tough work and I'm lazy so the easiest way for me to make it quick (and to where you couldn't hurt me back) is to hit the ziphoid process, the throat, or the back of the neck or similar things (which you wouldn't be able to guard quick enough) (so far this has only happened once and was luckly stopped before anything too bad happened to him. (and everyone, including the teachers, aggreed he had it comming for a long time))  Also, I'm from the south and a mama's boy so white suits me.  The howling part refers to me loving to either start something or join in (usually play).  It is the lighter and fun side of me.  Also I can be a little loud at times.  The wolf of course refers to my general personality (my closeness of family and ability to form deep and lasting bonds with someone I decide to consider family) (basically paying attention to me and feeding me get me to like you too).  Also, I enjoy explaining and teaching.  If I don't make it into medical school, then I would love to be a college professor.  I love tudoring at my school and helping my sister with her stuff and I have kept note of all the different things I want to do as a teacher: grading, experiments, and personal style.  Teaching is also a spiritual trait of the wolf.  It serves as a guide to put others on the correct path and also as it is teaching others, it learns the lesson for itself.

I was refered to by one other name when I was little by my mother and grandmother (mainly the later): Little Wolf.  She said that they called me that because I would growl at people I didn't like.  Also, I think it might of had something to do with me also biting people that messed with me too much.

I am Wolf.
It is my cry you hear in the night,
My eyes that gaze at you from the shadows.
It is my heart that beats in your Soul,
My strength that makes you whole.
I am Wolf. I am in you.
You are in Me. We Are Wolf.

Quite a new and more relaxed thing for me,  I got a chance to do an Indian war reenactment at Fort Mims, Alabama

The Horors of War

Shawn Joiner and his son David who was cut down in the first wave of Creek indians in the massacur at the fort..

Playing with the cock

Shawn capping and cocking his rifle in the heat of battle at Ft. Mims '04

Flag Guard Tallassee '04

Rick, Shawn, & Zach Tal. '04

Shawn running away from the camera at Sequioya Caverns '05

S.C. '05


Rick S.C '05

 O-OH, Looky what I've got... S.C. '05