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Hello, just posting up some of my drawings and sketches and paintings.  I've also started doing commissioned work for a few people (I do a much greater variety of work than is shown here).  So if there's something that you would like me to try and do for you (this goes for the leather and fur work I do as well) just email me.

Vincent Valentino (2006)

I made this rendition of a fursona for my sweet brother. (commision)

Brohg (2002)
My second Gargoyle picture. He's the identical twin brother of Brooklyn that, up until 1999, didn't even know there were any more gargoyles left, let alone that he had a brother. His character and stories have been building in my head sence 1999 and too much has gone on to tell you everything in type.
Brock (2002)

This is another drawing of mine from my own fan-fiction. Brock is 23 years old, the human equivilant of 11 1/2 years (gargoyles age at half the human rate). He is the older of two sons of Brohg.  (His real name is Brook,after his uncle, but when he was very young it was changed to Brock because of a little dificulty with the "oo" sound.)

Brohg On Stage


I haven't finished it yet and I also have to do some clean up on it later, but I put it up anyway. One thing I've found out with doing these is that I really like designing clothing.

Anime version
Did this one sence I started the anime club here in Montevallo.  Same gargoyle, but with anime styling: demasculinization, line simplification, removal of unneccesary detales (especially when compared to the naturalistic one above).  (Febuary '05)
Having bordom work for you...
Did this one while waiting for Melissa to get out of class using what color pencils I could find in the Biology office.  (March '05)
Color Pallet
An oil on canvas I did back when I was 13.  I had to take a pic of it because it's too big to scan so, unfortunately, you can't see the texture and a few other things very well.  I used my dads old blue-front amazon Harvey for the model and all these plants came from different places in our yard.
Relaxin' (uncolored)
This is me, in furry form, relaxin' after a battle (takin' it off).  It is hot after all, marching and fighting and stuff in those wool uniforms.  Yes, he's skinny, but so was I when I did all the studying of form.  I was 5'10" at 14  and only 110; At 14 my body was completely fully developed and from then I just gained muscle and fat (rarely ate anything until then).  I like this one because it was just as relaxing to do it as it looks.  I just decided to not worry about filling in all the lines (learned from watching anime) (not anime, but took some tips from it).  It's also the first time I made something fun or playful (Melissa sayes it's adorible which is good because it's a change from the comments she's made about the ALL of my other figure drawings)  (4/25/2005 2hrs.)
Tribal Wolf (6/22/05) (during the full moon;)

This is my newest.  I made it white because that's the color of the wolf that is nice to me in my dreams (mainly when I was little).  I used to have dreams of wolves before I knew what they really looked like (the closest I came to seeing them wase the story book and Droopy cartoon-style wolf).  One dream I had when I was around 8 or 9 was of me walking in the backyard and there was a wolf close to the gate, about to go out to the parking lot.  He seemed huge to me then, and I never saw a real one before but, with what I've seen now, every detale was purfict.  I even remember the dream exactly right up to now.  It even acted right: I wanted to pet it but all it would do is slightly show an intrest in me and then go about its buisness.  It wasn't a petting animal,... but it wasn't running away either.  After it showing up seveal times in other dreams and even when I'm awake, I decided that it was my guardian and protector (my spirit animal).  Sometimes it talks to me in my dreams (the way animals talk but in a way I can understand it).

Some people asked me why I drew him wearing only a skimpy loincloth. 1. That's just how it came out of my head, and 2. if I looked like this I couldn't help but show it off.

Anime Wolfy (9/26/05) (10:15-10:40pm)
Another pic of me in furry form; I finally got the hang of anime art.  Sooo cute.
Waya in Full Moon Blood Lust form

Just made this image to go with a character in a book I'm writing.  If you want a lot of details, just ask me.  (ink and paper 3/29/2006) (P.S.  Different Waya from the one below; just happen to use the same name.)

Waya Sword

Ok, this is my fursona if anyone's interested.  haha, maybe will get some money some day to actually make a fursuit.  Anyway, finally tweeked it enough to get it how I want it.  Below is the character's bio. (6/14/06)

Name: Waya Jarrard (no last name; it was taken)

Age: 18

Birthday: july 28th, 2010 (lives in apoptolyptic age like in thunder dome)

Animal Spieces: Grey Wolf/ Artic mix

Parents: Father, Unknown (the artic side), mother: states woman Clairi

Siblings: Baby Brother: Usti (killed in transport accident)

Half Brother: Tralys (trea-lis) (all black and older)

Eduation: Self taught from books. (Likes quoting from them in fights)

Swordsman / gunman self taught to survive after brother had him removed from the safe home lands. Used to play some guitar but got out of it. Hight intrests and studies in medicine, biology, and chemistry.

He's totally white accept for hidden shades of gray, Dyes fur sometimes to fit in with rest of community.

Clothes: netting and leather, leather armor pieces, jackets, and utility belt, satchal. Has Cloud Strife type sword (or Berserk style for anime fans).

Personality: Hides emotions for most part until they sneek up on me. Unless you are a close friends, then really open up. Have been hurt a lot in the past. Takes a long time to get talking much in the open; usually feeling everyone out to make sure that I won't say something wrong. However, I'm bluntly truthful; usually to my disadvantage and that's why I take a long time to trust some people; I need to know that I can tell them something and they not leave me.

(I have a myspace profile for this fursona too: .  Once again, only for furry-friendly people)

Bio-T (10/22/05)
Just a little figure I made to go with Melissa's idea for our Biology and Tri-beta club. (Pen and Microsoft Paintbrush; 50 min.)
Tone (1/6/06 - 1/27/06)
A new oil of mine (first one since I was 13 or 14).  I haven't improved since then and all I had to work with was a cheap fan brush, flat brush, and pocket knife (didn't have the colors I needed either).  However, once again it is better in person because my cheep digital camera still makes it grainy and the flash doesn't work so I had to take it outside and angle it and stuff.  In person the colours are rather brighter than I wanted, but gold lighting fixes this.