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Guest Book (Veesitor Beuk)

We people who follow the way of Christ are different; we are set apart from the ways of the world and told to stand fast against adversity. Yet, even we are not entirely immune to the world's hardships. Jesus was sent here not just to save us, but also to show that He could face and understand all that the world can throw at you. This is what makes us different; through His love and example, we are able to get up and continue. This is the difference between happiness that the worldly things can give us, and the joy that is inherent in all Christians. Happiness is situational: It is brought about by an event and can just as quickly be taken by an event and will not return without another "happy" event. Joy is eternal: an "unhappy" event may bring it down for a while, but it will bounce back soon enough. The joy of Christ is what keeps us going in the midst of all adversity. It is good to remember that we are a truly blessed people. Through the evils of this world, we do and live the best we can. This earth may cause pain, hardship, and regrets, but the grace of our Father makes up for it (BIG TIME) in the end. There is a verse I like to use that fits in so many situations (a sort of all covering verse).
May the dear Lord keep you close and place favor upon you. Grace and joy be yours for the father loves you. Rejoice for you serve an AWESOME GOD. Again I say REJOICE! May Jesus do an awesome work in your heart so that it may be broken and open to Him. And with the Christ working through you, nothing can stand in your way. Remember, our God is a loving and gracious God. So, rejoice. Again, I say rejoice! May you be in the knowledge that, if you were the only one to benefit from the coming of Christ, Jesus would have STILL taken the shame and endured the pain of the cross so that YOU may have salvation. Therefore, rejoice in the knowledge that you have been made joint heirs with Christ who is reserving a place at His banquet table for you. Again, I say REJOICE!!!

We are a work of God, the All Mighty, the shaper of the heavens and the earth; He doesn't make mistakes. Our savior has given us an inherent ability to bounce back in the face of adversity. We may have many opportunities to give up, but He is our strength and our "Corner Stone". If you look at the lives of both Jesus and the apostles (and about everyone whoever followed the way of truth for that matter), none of them had an easy life. Every single one of the 12 (accept one who spent the remainder of his life in exile) died a horrible, anguishing death from being stoned, roasted, hung, crucified, disemboweled, and all sorts of terrible things. He did say "I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves." When you think about it, that doesn't just mean that things may get tough. Think, wolves don't just frighten and slow down the sheep, they KILL and MAIME them. The apostles knew this and were still, up to their dieing breath, glorifying the Christ. Do you have that kind of conviction? We in this country are kind of in a safe box; we don't have to face the fears and problems others of our faith have to go through each and every day in the rest of the world. In other countries, the small ministries that are sewn here and there are the victim of killing raids and burnings. Many Christians AND the new converts are slaughtered mercilessly every day. BUT THIS DOES NOT STOP THEM. They have been made strong in Christ. We have been broken down and shunned and belittled and killed off over and over again over time and yet we still bounce back. Meanwhile, we sit in the safety of home and worry about rejection and offending someone by talking to them about Christ... so we hold back. GOD LOOKS AFTER HIS OWN!!! The Bible teaches that if you open your mouth He will give you the words to speak. By the way, that whole thing about "you are not your own, you were bought with a price", goes more than one way. God is not just the sower, He is the one who makes the seed, the one who picks the spot, the one who sows it, the one who feeds and tends it, the one who makes it grow, and the one who harvests it. IT IS NOT YOU! You are just a temporary vessel to present His glory. What do you have to worry about? The Bible says: therefore, do not worry about what you will wear and what you will eat; also: do not worry about tomorrow for today has enough problems to deal with. This is why we can rebound; we, as Christians, are not in control. We depend on God to lead us day by day and with the thought of GOD leading us, we should feel pretty secure.

We are the light of the world; an example of the way life should be lived. Others scrutinize us very carefully as we ourselves are not immune to the tragedies and temptations offered by this world. Understand that this world will try to bring you down with it. Although they are the ones tempting you and falling into the temptation itself, they are also, in a way, disappointed when you fall because YOU are supposed to be different. So, therefore, keep yourself up or at least get back up as soon as possible. We are held at a higher expectation. Use the joy you were given when you asked Jesus into your heart. Never give up the good fight and in the end you will see our Savior and He will say: "Well done, My good and faithful servant. I know you."

How many times a day do you feel like not doing the right thing.  You know; taking the easy way out and just letting your flesh take over.  It seems so easy to just let one thing slip as long as you keep guard over all else.  However, we have a responsibility to keep all things according to the Word of God.  Once a man has come to Christ he is a new creation; set apart and alien from the ways of the world.  We should be the epitome of a faithful life dedicated to the caring of others and the spreading of God's Word.  Most of the time; however, we fall quite short of this"standard".  One thing is that we as Christians are supposed to be examples of the fruits of the Spirit; you know:"but the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS AND SELF-CONTROL..."Gal.5:22-23.  However, we are still "human" and, therefore, born with a sinful nature which sometimes (ha, most of the time) gets away with us.  We know that some days we just don't feel like doing the right thing.  Like driving to church and the car in front of you stopping to let a few people in and wishing they would hurry up and this is no time to be nice.   We constantly are bombarded with thousands of things that will drive us off the path.  What I would want to discuss now is something that we ignore or don't often think about as a problem: our ATTITUDE.  This little thing can ruin us.  Even if we DO the right thing, if our attitude isn't right ( love, peace, patience...) then all of it is worthless.  "All our righteous deeds are like filthy rags."  No act(s) can get you into heaven; it's all about attitude.  What is the wrong attitude? Well, to just take part of Galatians 5: "...hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions and envy;...and the like."  We all have things (or people) that will set us off on a tangent.  We also have those occasions where we either take the credit for something God did through you or place blame on Him or other people and circumstances.  You remember that part of you that wants recognition for "good" results and dismissal of bad ones.  Like someone coming up to you and telling of how they've been sick for a while or something and, just the other day, the problem went away and us saying "oh, God put you on my heart and I prayed for you".  Great, God did a good work for the person, but you just had to get a little bit of the glory.   There are so many times that we would just love to give some people a piece of our minds.  We go to church services and give "glory" and "honor" to the Lord while singing the hymns and listening to the message; all the while thinking about all the people IN THAT CONGREGATION that you will NOT speak to on the way out.  That is sad as well as ridiculous.  James 3:9-10 says "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing.  My brothers, this should not be."  Sure, some of us can hold back and set their minds right realizing the real reason we are at church.  OK.  What about the rest of the week?  GOD/ CHRISTIANITY DOESN'T WORK JUST ON SUNDAY!  We can't act like Jesus on Sunday and the devil the rest of the week.  Understand, we are sinful; we fall over and over again.  He gives us mercies anew every day; every day...  Do you know why we need new mercies every day?...  BECAUSE WE USED UP YESTERDAYS BUNCH!!!  That's SIN.  The word sin is an old archery term and, as far as I'm concerned, is the best word for it.  Sin is the measure of how far you are off the target.  Think, the path of righteousness is like a nail in a board with a rubber band around it; the nail is unmoving.  So, we stray and pull the rubber band a little farther and farther each time.  To us, these little things don't matter and we think we're safe.  Then it snaps!  It isn't until then (because by then it's obvious) that we run to God and ask for forgiveness.  The first stretching is still sin.  The wrong attitude can lead us farther and farther from God, hurting our walk with Him.
  What is the right attitude then?  The attitude of Christ; one of meekness and servant-hood, forgetting your societal placement and be willing to treat all equal with yourself, keeping in mind the knowledge that we are all children of God and that it's NOT your place to keep all the world from turmoil.  We Christians are here for ONLY two reasons: to live (or at least try to) a Godly life through our knowledge of Him and to spread the gospel to the world; not to demand that they do it this way but to put it out there and let God work in them.  "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:  Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross." Phil 2:5-8.
  Well if these things hurt us in our spiritual walk, why can't He just get rid of it?  We pray for God to remove all these "distractions" and "offensive people" so that we may better serve Him and pay attention to His Word.  We think that these are the devil's ways of making you lose your cool and blow something.  Part right.  God is using these things to break you.  There are just so many disagreeable people in this world and God is going to send enough of them your way until you just don't care anymore.  And then finally, after it no longer frustrates you, it will just "go away."  The reason for temptation isn't just to make you fall, it is to break you from caring about them so that you truly can serve Christ.  "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.  Sense we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."Gal.5:24-26.  To be "crucified" to something means you are dead to it: it no longer has any effect on you.  Your faith is not worth anything if it is spoon-fed to you.  If God got rid of everything that led you astray then there would be no need for salvation and, therefore, no "need" or desire (of course the fact that He created all things and gives unquestioned love should be enough) to walk with the Lord.  Our Father has given us the gift of choice.  Without it, any praise we would give him would be worthless and meaningless.  But, the fact that He has given us the ability to accept or reject Him makes our choosing to follow Him mean something.  Keep in mind that even the ones that choose to walk the path of righteousness don't always find themselves being very righteous.  We get off track and fall; that is human nature.  A lot of us find ourselves leaving the guide of the spirit and just going through the motions.  There is a story of a well-to-do man sitting in church that he had been a faithful member of for many years.  Never missed a day nor did he miss out on any of the activities that were offered by the church.  He felt that he was doing his "duty" as a Christian.  One time in church, around the time for the sermon to begin, they passed around the offering plates.  When it came the man's turn for donation, he reached in his wallet and pulled one of two bills out and placed it in the plate.  Later that day, he was cleaning out his wallet and noticed that there was only a five dollar bill in it which meant that the twenty dollar bill he had must have gone in the offering plate.  Infuriated, the man called down to his church, told them that he meant to donate the five instead of the twenty and demanded the money back.  The man on the other end of the line simply said: "Don't worry, you only got credit for a five."
  You are being watched!  We are not just an example to the world, but also other believers.  So, therefore, our sin entangles them as well.  Not very considerate.  "Therefore, sense we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the glory set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the thrown of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so you will not grow weary and lose heart." Heb 12:1-3.  Jesus was sent down here as a man to show several things: 1) (the most amazing) to show us that he (the embodiment of perfection) loved us enough to be mocked, cursed, tortured, and murdered and come down to earth in the form of one of his most sinful and disobedient creations.  2) to show he understands all the pain and temptation that we go through by going through it himself.  and 3) to show that, even though he was 100% God, he was also 100% MAN, you can resist them and that no temptation will be beyond what you can bare.  Go and do good, for you are of God!

Not Go Quietly....

What makes us different from the world?.. What sets us apart?.. What is it that gives us notoriety?.. And in the end, what makes people hate us? You heard me right; people HATE us. But why??? How can a group of people dedicated to a life of meekness, sharing, love, truth, humility, and self control be sneered at and abhorred by the rest of the world. A world that on any census would admit that the Christian way of life would fit their ideal idea of how the world should be. You would think that at the very least logic would move and lean towards this way of life. Meanwhile, in these days of political correctness, Christianity has become, in a word, "passe" and the "ideal" now is all people are naturally good and everybody's truths are valid; you believe what you want to and I will believe what I want to (it may be a sin to you but, not to me). The thought that there is only one right way to live is considered intolerant and absurd. We sit back and let the ignorant run and mediate our lives, our teachings, and our country. All the while we silent multitude hold back while we are mocked, while we are despised, and while our ideal way of life is considered too ideal. We strive for perfection and admit that we fall short of it. Even through all this, we still love the ones who hate us. How can there be so much animosity toward us??? Simple, the world is sin. Not just sinful, but sin. From that day in the Garden of Eden on, the very fabric of the world and ALL that comes from it was corrupted. This world naturally leans away from God and therefore, as a character trait, habitually sins over and over again with hardly a care. In a nutshell, the world is heading to hell in a hand-basket. Those who follow Christ do not follow this pattern. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Cor. 5:17. When we accepted salvation our hearts were made new and molded to a new pattern; the original pattern. Our old ways of acting, responding, and thinking are gone and have been replaced by a new path and desire. A path that causes us to seek out and strive for a righteous path of life. "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Eph. 4:22-24. This is why it is futile to understand the logic of the world's attitude toward Christians. We just aren't thinking on the same wave length.

What can we do then? Too long have we sat silent allowing the corruption of the world to reign. We cannot go down without a fight. What do we have to fight all the evil in the world? "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor. 10:3-5. Our combat can take place on many fronts. Most wholly, our life. We are to walk in the fruits of the Spirit and let their attributes show and flourish. We are to stand firm in our beliefs that we say we hold so dear; to love the unlovable and our enemies, to continue to help the needy, and to be faithful to God and other believers. Many talk about being true to yourself. The world uses this phrase to say that it doesn't matter what everybody else says and thinks, it's your thoughts and beliefs that matter. With a Christian, being true to yourself has an all together different meaning. "You are not your own, you were bought with a price." Sense you are no longer yours but God's, you should be true to God and all that is His. All those that have given themselves to Jesus are (or should be) of one mind. Therefore, we should be true to others of the faith. We must band together for we all have the same purpose that has been placed in our hearts by the Father Himself: we are to have a personal relationship with and a knowledge of Him, and to spread that knowledge of Him and the salvation that comes through His son to the rest of the world. In the listing of the Godly attributes in the armor of God, there was only one weapon listed: the sword of the Word of God. However, words are meaningless unless they are attached to something substantial. If you would remember that the sword was held secure in the Belt of Truth. That's our weapon. We know that all we love, all we work for, all we believe is founded in truth; the ultimate truth. And of this truth there is only one. There is only one way these can work though; we cannot be silent.

Our war is a righteous one. Our goal is simple, to bring the rest of the world to a knowledge of the truth. But truth cannot be brought about by our continuing silence. We are, in a sense, all prophets of the word of God; professing His plan and unending love to the world. All of nature is said to worship the Father. The bible says that if we keep silent, then the rocks and stones themselves will sing of His praises; for God's majesty is so great that it cannot be contained. I for one don't want to hand my job over to a rock. Our mission is clear, we cannot let the world take over. If only we can round up the courage to someday stand up for our beliefs; to stand up for truth and for values and for our God. If we could brave all the controversy and hatred to yell from the roof tops that there is ONLY ONE way to heaven and it is through the blood of Christ Jesus. To one day stand up and say "I know what is RIGHT, I know the TRUTH, and I know that no matter what you say, or what you do, or what laws you pass, that it cannot be silenced! This TRUTH will NOT go away and it cannot be stopped! We can be crushed down, we can be mowed over, but we will not go away! You can take our Lord out of our pledge, prayer out of our schools, and our commandments out of our courts, but I tell you WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY!!!"

Safe Sex... (don't worry, it's not really about that)

What is the most intiment thing a person do or be in. And I'm not looking for the safe Bible answer from anyone. It's sex, plain and simple. Don't get up, turn away, or say "this is not what I came for." Listen long enough, and you'll see that this is the heart of what you need. Sex is scientifically, emotionally, and spiritually the most important thing that drives us and all of creation. It also is the strongest drive after air, water, and food. There are two primary reasons for sex: for one, the shear pleasure and experience of it as well as the hopes of ensuring that it is a good enough experience so that we might continue doing it, and two, to produce offspring or fruit from it, and not just that, but good fruit so that others might see and that we could pass it on to the rest of the world. Even the first command that the Creater gave to His creation was to go forth and multiply.

Jesus is the bridegroom and, likewise, we are the bride of Christ. Now we look at that and mainly think of the responsibility, love, and accountibility that should be between a husband and wife should be emulated in our relationship with God. This is true, but we should also look deeper. The relationship that we share with our Father in heaven is suposed to be closer than a brother, more intimate than lovers, He is the lover of my soul, to be of the same mind and body. It is writen that all of creation testifies to the glory of God. From this, we can say that everything around us can give us a glimpse of God's mind, love, and how we can incorporate it to bring us closer to Him. And that includes sex.

Now let's look at the relationship of lovers; just what's so special about sex? We will start with the surface and move on deeper. First, it is a private act, this is not something that is ment for you to draw attention to yourself, it is a private act between you and your lover. It is not ment for you to share your most private of moments, vulnerabilities, or short-commings with the rest of the world. This part is linked to your prayer walk with God and your giving of yourself to others and the church. It is so private, that even you shouldn't dwell and think highly of yourself for it. Math. 6: 1-4 says "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them.... So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored be men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." The prophet Daniel lived this as he did his prayer everyday in the quiet of his bed chamber, in secret from the rest of the world. The way God looks at the actions of the hypocrites and the Pharasies' blatent and proud displays is just how one would look at exobitionists. This flashy outward display is ment to bring them glory, taking away from what was ment to be shared only with their lover / God.

Now let's think deeper. When a person gives themselves to sex, they are taking a big risk; they have to step out of their comfort zone, way away from their normal, safe existance. First off, you have to get naked. Yes, I said it; completely uncovered and exposed. Without this, it's pritty difficult to do it right. When you come to God, there are no lies, no hiding places, no excuses; just the bare truth, the mess that you are, you. Before God, you stand plain and honest; the only way you can to your lover. God takes you in without any of the bells and whistles, no excuses to make you look taller, thinner, or smarter, no makeup, just you and the ragged mess that you are. Only when one accepts you and loves you like this, can you have a relationship and go futher. In sex, you truely release yourself, many for the first time. You free yourself to be vulerable, happy, pained, in pain, exposed, joyful, intence to where you can just shout out, pass out from exhaustion, free to be broken, to be healed, to allow yourself to be touched deeply, to have all emptiness inside you filled, free to cry. In this, you allow all your boundries to be broken and risk pain and rejection. But, with Christ there is no rejection, He takes your pains on himself. He loves you in spite of who you are, with a love that can never die, that can only become deeper, that can never be earned, but is given freely. In this, the vessel Mary is a great example. When told that the Holy Spirit would come apon her and that she would bare the child of God, she humbled herself, letting the Lord have His way in her life simply saying "I am the Lord's servent." There was no arguement, no excuses, just naked and true in the eyes of God, ready and willing to take on the shame and whispers and the burden and pain of bringing God in flesh into the world of men. For it says that she loved God and knew the scriptures; she knew full well that the Messiah was called to be sacrificed, beaten, ridculed, and killed at the hands of His own people. Yet, she was willing to be broken, to be exposed, to have her heart renched, for her love of God was so strong.

The highest aspiration of sex is to become one with your lover; when the boundries of flesh are melted away and you are continuous with eachother, to be as the other. We are called to be mirrors of Christ to the rest of the world. We ask to be faded away and for God to be seen in our place. Acts 3:12 mentions Peter's speach to onlookers after healing a crippled begger: ..."Men of Israel, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?" Jesus says "I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from Me, you can do nothing." And also, "If you've seen me, then you've seen the Father." If we are to have this intiment relationship with God, if we are to be one in the same, then we need to live our lives so that we can say this. When Jesus spoke, He spoke on every level; that's why we can use God's Word in so many applications. Not only was he saying that He and the Father were the same, but also, "look at what I teach, look at what I do, do this; let your words and actions be in agreement with one another. Be imitators of God. The old name Christian means "little Christs". So our life should be lived in such a way that you can insert "God" in the place of your name. That's a pritty big and scary statement, but it can't just stop at a statement. The bible says: "...If you know these things, blessed, happy, and to the envy of all men are you if you do them." Our goal is to be one with the lover of our soul.

Once you are filled with the Holy Spirit and are forever bonded as one being, what comes next? You Glow! It's gunna show. You will be a new creature. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Cor. 5:17. "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Eph. 4:22-24. Your view of the world and the world's view of you will be different. Before love, you were flowing through life blindly nieve with the rest of the world; satisfied, or not, with what it had because you and it had yet to have experienced such an intimacy. Once you have lost your old self, your eyes become open and all can see the difference in you; your glow of newness. In fact, you will positively gush with this change. To those who have also crossed this barrier, it will be understood. Others will ask what is different, why the change, the joy, the smile? This is not a secret to be kept. It must be spred. Knowlege is power; love is knowlege; God is love. In this love, be permiscuous. God gives it to you freely; it is free love. So take this treasure that He has shared with you in secret and use it to bless others and to help others to find their way to God so that He can plant a seed in their life.