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Welcome To My Home Page (Walcome Til Ma Hame Stance)

HI. This is my site for just about anything that interests me. My chem. professer labelled me once; "a twisted individual" and he's pretty much right. This site's really more for my benefit than for anything else, but if you want to look at it go ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

In here you'll find an unusual variety of subject matter from cartoons to weapons, and Scottish heritage items to Christian idealism.

(In Scots)

Goamins.  This is ma stance for juist aboot ochtlins at interests me.  Ma chem. professor labeled me ance; "a quirkie body" an he is deed hantle richt.  This stance is feckly for ma gain bi ocht ense, stil an on if ye wiss tae leuk at it, gae aheid.  YE HAE BEEN WAIRND!!!

In here, ye will find an biordinar reenge of subject maiter frae cartoons tae wappins, an Scottish heritage eetems tae Christian idealism.

Basically, if you read this whole site you will understand maybe 80% of how my mind works and me.

If anything on this page seems squished, just make sure that all the pictures are loaded (the 2 tartan pics on the bottom, may just need to be right clicked and "show picture").  One thing, don't remove the advertizement at the top until all the pictures are loaded.  Also, if you are using AOL's browser, then open up this site in something else (Internet Explorer, Netscape,.. whatever your computer came with) because AOL has a tendancy to pixilate (mess up) some pictures.

Joyful Blessing

May the dear Lord keep you close and place favor upon you. Grace and joy be yours for the father loves you. Rejoice for you serve an AWESOME GOD. Again I say REJOICE! May Jesus do an awesome work in your heart so that it may be broken and open to Him. And with the Christ working through you, nothing can stand in your way. Remember, our God is a loving and gracious God. So, rejoice. Again, I say rejoice! May you be in the knowledge that, if you were the only one to benefit from the coming of Christ, Jesus would have STILL taken the shame and endured the pain of the cross so that YOU may have salvation. Therefore, rejoice in the knowledge that you have been made joint heirs with Christ who is reserving a place at His banquet table for you. Again, I say REJOICE!!!


In Scots

Mey the dear Lord keep ye aside an airt sain upo ye. Grace an joy be yours fae the faither luves ye. Rejoice fae ye ser an AWESOME GOD. Again I say REJOICE! Mey Jesus dae an awesome wark in your hert sae at it mey be brucken an open til Him. An wi the Christ wirkin yont ye, nocht cuin staund in your wey. Mynd, oor God is a luving an bethankit God. Sae, rejoice. Again, I say rejoice! Mey ye be in the knawledge at, gin ye war the ane ae tae-come frae the comin o Christ, Jesus wad hae YIT taen the shame an bidden the pang o the cross sae at YE mey hae salvation. Syne, rejoice in the knawledge at ye hae been made marrae heirs wi Christ that is pit by a locus at His bellyrive table fae ye. Again, I say REJOICE!!!


Daily Prayer of the Wolf

I call to those who went before me for guidance to travel this day's path.  I ask those who are yet to come what this day holds for me.  I ask for the knowledge to keep my pack hardy, and the strength to keep my family safe.  Help me to learn from life and to pass on my knowledge to others.  Help me to peacefully resolve my conflicts as well as the ability to finish them.  Let me know my place in the Creator's plan and to be truthful to the welfare of the pack.  I offer this prayer to the Great Spirit above and humbly ask for His devine help to live my life to the fullest and bring honor to myself and my people.

Current Updates

Finally Done! I've finally graduated in premed (with other concentrations in bio research, chemistry, and Christian theology) from Montevallo University with Cum Laude. Right now, I'm working as a medical assistant/tech at the Birmingham Pain Center only about 15 minutes from my house. I'm also atempting to get an album together if I can manage to find some time. Still working a little on my art with long bits inbetween. I'm also writing a book and have the first few chapters up on myspace.


Currently, Home, About me, Intrests are updated. NEW section called tidbits about me...(maybe more than you want to know..) on my About Me page.  My bro Stephen is now working at Lowes near where I work (like 2 minutes) and loves it here.  We are also having someone move in from California soon to help with bills and also to help them out.  On May 25th-27th, we will be at RCFM; a fur con in Huntsville, Alabama.  Udo is doing good and to date has obliterated 4 pairs of sandles, 3.5 pairs of shoes, a cover to my laptop, some shorts, a gig drive, photo card, several plastic containors, a feather fan that was suposed to be Reiko's graduation gift, numorous pens, 2 towels, many other things I can't recall at the moment, and a peach tree that we have no idea where it is now.

YEAH!  I finally got my wolf puppy.  Basically, I've always wanted a brother (actually I wanted a big and little brother) and I think a wolf puppy might fit the bill; at least in the case of one that I can see everyday (I have a couple other people who I feel incredibly close to, but I think that one weekend every month or 2 is probily all they could stand of me). I prefer having someone else in the room rather than being by myself anyway (love companionship).  I can easily consider the wolf as a brother because I've been raise with dogs all my life and already view them as people; old Teddy Bear used to guard me in my crib so I wouldn't fall or get out.

Anyway, I've always loved wolves and until I found some good friends that had one, I didn't know I could have one leagally.  In fact, over time I realized that there are a lot of people that have wolfdogs in the Birmingham / Jefferson / Shelby county area.  I even found one that's pack includes a scottie terrior and a pot-bellied pig.  From all the info I gathered, as long as the wolf puppy is raised up with them, it doesn't matter the size (or aparently much the species) it is and the wolf will see it as family.  I was worried about if I would be able to sleep at night or if I would feel restless with a wolf howling outside (even though I don't have a problem with the dogs we have) so I bought a CD with wolves howling on it (no music).  I put it in one day, listened to it for about five minutes, then woke up 3 1/2 hours later.  I decided that it wouldn't be a problem.  My mom's grandfather knew a lot about them and she said that she saw him look one in the eyes once and it understood what he was thinking.  That's why she isn't scared of them at all.  I love their grace, looks, the way their pack system works, their intellagence (though Shawn says his gets that surfer-dude look of emptiness every once and a while), just everything.  I got some pictures I took for my personallized spring break this year on my Misc. page.  It consited of 2 days of 2 hotels, Caraba's Itallian grill, the hotel Chinese resturant, salads at Outback, and a day at a Florida wolf preserve.

Quick myth buster:

There are some people out there that are ignorant of this creature's nature.  Many say that they are untrainable and dangerous to everyone accept their owner (and even that bond is not too sure).  The truth is that it is possible to train them (even clicker training) using positive reinforcement (or even just training them like a dog), and if properly socialized (that means not holding them up in your house and backyard in the middle of nowhere) they can love people as much as any dog.  One of the problems that lead to aggression towards people and turning on their owners (which other dogs do for the same reasons) is from the stupid "wild dog training": using aggressive tacticks (such as biting them hitting and being rough with them) that those ingorant enough to do it claim "that's what other wolves would do to them in the wild to keep them in line"...  No one likes being under the dominion of a tyrant and, naturally, people under a tyrant revolt. In truth, the alpha male uses signs of aggression and such; very rarely ever actually harming or hurting the other wolf.  They can be a handfull no doubt: digging, chewing, and such (though even their husky and malimute counterparts do the same).

Also, wolfdogs don't have it ingrained in their brain to kill and eat anything little.  In fact, if one is raised from a pup with small-breed dogs, that image will be impressed on it and it will think of those as kin.  However, it isn't a wise step to bring in a full-grown wolf into a home of little dogs if it has never been acustumed to small breeds.  So if you have small dogs, it's best to get your hybrid as a cub.


Ancient Weathered tartan

Modern Tartan